RPN Stack Calculator
by Alex Migoya
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator for iOS
- Simple, minimalistic and easy to use.
- 9 visible stack rows.
- 100 internal stack rows.

- Interactive stack.
- Comma-separated numbers.
- Easy access to scientific operations.
- Undo / Redo functions.
- Useful shortcuts.
Drag numbers to relocate them in the stack.
Copy/Paste/Delete stack-rows.
Press and hold to input a triple zero.
Press and hold to clear input box.
Press and hold again to clear the whole stack.

Custom configuration.
Internal stack limit of 100 rows.
32-bit floating point Reverse Polish Notation.
Algorithms have been optimized to 10 decimals to avoid floating point rounding errors.
Arithmetic, trigonometry, logarithms, percentages, scientific notation, constants, etc.
Supports both radians and degrees operations.